Group Sessions

All group sessions are remote sessions.
Free sessions for energetic healing
Starting in July 2021, I will offer a free energetic healing session every Monday from 18:00 to 19:00 CET (9 AM to 10 AM Pacific). The registration period ends on the respective Monday at 12:00(3 AM Pacific). Your pets can also be healed if you give me their names.
To register please go to the contact page and fill out the form accordingly.
Everyone interested is cordially invited to this session.
Between 18.00 and 19.00 CET please go to a place far away from the computer, best would be an idyllic bank in the open nature; switch off ALL other electronic helpers (Smartphone, radio, TV, …) During this time concentrate on your breath and try to connect with nature (trees, flowers, birds and other animals). If you stay at home, please try to focus on me. I myself will concentrate on your healing during this time.
My energy work harmonizes body, mind and soul and brings relief and healing in all areas.
Your friends are also welcome!
Since every participant experiences this energy transfer differently (we humans are unique individuals), I am very grateful to you for sharing your feelings and experiences during this session via e-Mail or the contact page.
A healing effect can be seen immediately in the first session after a few minutes, but also after several sessions, and the intensity can vary from session to session.

Legal Notice
My energy work is to be seen supporting self-healing in a way that follows the natural laws of hope, faith, love and self-understanding - all involved in the energy flow of life in the here and now -; these laws help optimize the healthy evolution of life.
Whoever activates the self-healing power of the client by applying any kind of energy work and thereby not making a diagnosis doesn’t need a license to work as a non-medical practitioner. The work of an energy worker does NOT replace medical treatment. (German BVG, AZ: 1 BvR 784 / 03)
Any kind of energy work is invaluable and precious; in order to maintain the divine balance, a thank you balance is always welcome.